You are currently on our website: http://senija-apartments.com. The stated terms of use apply during the use of the website. We believe that the users of the website are fully aware of the terms of use at all times and that they fully understand and accept them. We also consider as web pages all associated pages that belong to this domain.
We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use at any time without prior notice, and will not be liable for any consequences arising from such changes. By using the website http://senija-apartments.com agree to the terms of use, privacy policy and cookie policy.
The purpose of the website on the domain http://senija-apartments.com rent and present our apartments.
We completely disclaim any liability in any way related to the use of the site by the user by either the use or misuse of the content, and for any damage that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of the site.
We strive to reduce technical errors when using the Website, but cannot guarantee that all functionalities will always be available nor is it responsible for any unavailability of the Website.
We are not responsible for the content or availability of other pages to which it links.
Documents, photographs, data, information as well as any part of the content published on the site may not be reproduced, distributed or used in any way for commercial purposes.
It is permitted to place a link to our website or its components on other sites.
Data about products and services, and any other information published on the website http://senija-apartments.com are considered accurate and reliable at the time of their publication, however, we do not guarantee the accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of any of the data stored on these websites.
We claim copyright to our own content (texts, images, visual and audio materials, databases, programming code) on our website. Unauthorized use of any part of the website is considered copyright infringement without the permission of the owner.
If you believe that we have infringed your copyright, the case will be reviewed immediately and the content in question will be removed as soon as the content of the complaint is established. In the event of an unintentional error, we sincerely apologize to the injured party for the error committed.
This privacy statement explains how we use the personal information we collect about you when you use our website.
01. We will never use your information to send spam emails.
02. You can request the termination of email communication at any time.
03. You have the right to request the deletion of any of your data.
04. We will never sell, rent, publish or distribute your personal information.
05. Data is a responsibility, so we collect only the necessary data that allows us to communicate more easily.
The website is designed in accordance with internal processes and systems with the following rules:
- EU Data Protection Directive 1995 (DPD)
- EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)
Compliance of the website with these regulations is likely to mean compliance with data protection and privacy legislation worldwide.
Like most websites, ours uses Google Analytics. This tool collects data in anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, where the visitors came from and which pages they visited. We use the information to better understand visitors interacting with our website.
We collect your contact information solely to understand your needs and provide you with a better service. We also use them for better communication when providing our services. If you want to turn off this service, you can do so at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout .
Cookies are a piece of code that allow a web server to recognize and track activities on a web browser.
You can change the settings at any time. Cookie Policy.
- You can ask us not to use your information to contact you.
- You can ask us to delete all your personal data.
- You can request a change to your personal information at any time.
- To fulfill any of these requirements contact us by email apartmanisenija@gmail.com.
We are committed to keeping your personal information secure. To prevent unauthorized access to your personal information, we have taken appropriate physical, electronic and administrative procedures to protect your information.
Please contact us by email: apartmanisenija@gmail.com in case of any inquiries about our privacy policy that we hold about you.